Sukuwanakya Dame desu ka? Isekai Chapter 17: Dreams

It seems there was a complaint from the tavern owner to the order of knights, so the situation was resolved very quickly. Of course, we are not at fault.

I thought Rodi had brought the knights too quickly, but it seems they were patrolling the area due to the tavern keeper’s complaint.

The aggressors will be treated as minor offenders, so they will only receive a fine, but it will still be considered a crime.

Tomorrow, I will go thank the tavern owner again.

After sending all the girls off and saying goodbye to Rodi and the others, I was left alone with Robin.

We had only a few meters left until we would part ways to go to our respective inns.

Should I mention the loss of the ability from a while ago again?

"Michinaga, you imagined quite a height, didn't you? How tall are you?"

Robin asked me suddenly.

Well, this type of conversation can’t be had with other people around.

"Ah, I was originally 179 centimeters tall. So 180 centimeters didn't seem very tall to me. I just added 10 centimeters and imagined myself being 189 centimeters tall."

"I see. I was quite short, so I imagined 180 centimeters as a considerably tall height. But now, I think it could have been a bit taller."

"In this world, 180 centimeters is still a considerable height. Beck is also around that height."

"Yes, I know. Michinaga, do you regret anything about creating your character?"

"Of course, I do. But since there’s no use in regretting it, I stopped worrying."

"That’s a positive and strong attitude. I’m still in the middle of regrets and worries."

"By the way, about the level 3 axe skill you mentioned earlier."

I paused and stopped walking.

"I saw the theft skill when I created my character. It was in a special skills layer. Could it be that you have it?"

Robin stopped and turned towards me.

"Ah, you noticed, huh? Yes, I suppose it was a mistake."

Robin laughed and looked up at the starry sky, showing no signs of remorse.

"What are you planning?"

I could feel my own nervousness. Despite Robin’s relaxed demeanor, I prepared for a possible confrontation.

"No, I don’t want to fight."

Robin raised both hands to face level and smiled.

"I’m glad to hear that."

Robin’s relaxed atmosphere made me relax as well.

"I’m just using my skills to survive in this world."

He continued with a calm expression and voice, very different from his usual appearance.

"It’s no different from how you use your powerful wind and fire magics. Do you have level 3 or 4 in those magics? Maybe fire is at level 5."

Both wind and fire magics are at level 1. Even Robin perceives the strength of my magics as abnormal. It’s not that transmigrants have greater magical potency, then.

While I was thinking about my own magics, Robin continued speaking when he saw I didn’t respond.

"Just like you try to survive in this world with your high-level magics, I must do so with my theft skill. I have no other power."

"Stealing abilities from others, taking the fruit of their efforts, don’t you feel any remorse?"

This was personal for me, a question directed at myself. No, I was seeking justification in Robin.

"I can’t say I feel no remorse. But I care more about myself."

What was that? I saw a flash of sadness on his face.

"And as for taking the fruits of others’ efforts, it’s not that different from earning money through a business, right? Or more like a gambling game."

I can understand his logic, though I can’t accept it. Where should I draw the line?

"Promise me something. Don’t steal abilities from our companions until the reason for any conflict is clear."

That was the best I could say.

I had my own doubts. Where is the point of compromise?

"I promise. I don’t want Michinaga to hate me. And anyway, I didn’t plan to steal abilities from our companions. Unless they attack me."

His tone became more severe at the end.

"Sure, that’s fine. Thank you."

I recalled what happened in the labyrinth. Two explorers were defeated by creatures that normally wouldn’t pose a problem. They said they were temporarily hired. And the person who was with us, also temporarily hired. Would Beck really entrust a bow to someone without archery skills?

The same with the guy from earlier. He was so proud with his spear, but he didn’t have the spearman skill. He also clashed with Robin in the tavern.

Doubts kept arising.

"Well then, pleased to work with you."

"Uh, ah, yes, likewise."

I quickly took the hand Robin offered to shake it.

"You’re really a good person."

He sighed and shook his head, continuing.

"You should be more suspicious and cautious. Didn’t you think I might steal your abilities right here?"

"I didn’t think that."

That was a lie.

Robin can’t steal my abilities. He needs to know the exact level of the ability to steal it. And transmigrants can’t be identified.

"The theft of abilities isn’t infallible. It requires skin contact and, even then, it often fails."


This doesn’t contradict the information I have. Robin definitely has type A of the ability.

"Yes, it’s true. That’s why it’s very difficult to steal from companions."

He said while shrugging.

"I believe you, thanks."

"Yes, likewise."

We shook hands again and headed to our respective inns.

Something soft moves over my body.

The soft mounds pressing against my abdomen slowly slide from my stomach to my chest.

The elastic softness is perfectly conveyed. I can feel the tips of the mounds are hard.

As the mounds approach my chest, a soft, feather-like sensation shifts from my abdomen to my stomach.

This is a dream.

I can clearly recognize that I am dreaming. However, the sensation is no different from reality; I can even feel the warmth of the breath and a sweet aroma.

The fairy’s blessing, that is the true nature of this dream. But, did that girl have such a large chest? It seems like it’s Miss Talia. Remembering the appearance of the girl I saw a few hours ago, doubt arises.

Did Marielle make a mistake? I open my eyes and see the girl moving on top of me.

Who? Who are you? There is an unknown woman. No, I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere before.

She looks at me with a cold gaze as she approaches. The shape of the mounds changes with the pressure of her weight.

A soft sensation of pressure spreads across my chest.

"What are you doing?"

A warm sigh accompanies the words, which is unimaginable considering the previous cold gaze.

"Making a goddess like me do this deserves death."

With her mouth barely open and her face blushing, she looks at me with eyes as cold as if she were looking at a despicable insect.

What can I say? This is irresistible. Does anything go? Long live the fairy’s blessing!

The goddess slowly straightens up. She is naked. I can only see her torso, but I know she is naked. I can feel that the lower part of her body, which touches my skin, is naked. The fairy’s blessing is truly wonderful.

The goddess sits on my body and slowly begins to lower her hips.

"I was supposed to appear in your dream, but I never imagined this would happen."

The difference between her cold gaze and her warm, whispering voice is immense.

Appear in my dream? Huh? Isn’t this the fairy’s blessing?

No, probably not. The important thing is not that. What is she trying to tell me?

Is she a real goddess? Isn’t this a dream?

No, calm down. Calm down, me. Regardless of the situation, I must treat her as a real goddess.

"So, what is your purpose tonight?"

I tried to ask, ensuring that the enjoyment of the sensation in my lower part was not reflected on my face.

"I came to intervene because you all are too incompetent."

She starts to move on my hips.

Incompetent? Intervention?

"What are you talking about?"

Does she refer to our purpose and mission? If so, this will clarify many doubts.

"You were informed about your purpose, mission, and enemies. However, your performance has been disappointing, to be honest."

The abundant mounds sway vigorously with her movement.

"But that was very abstract. Can you be more specific, please?"

"Fine, ask whatever you wish."

Her breathing is slightly labored.

"The purpose is to save this world. What does that mean? And how do we do it?"

"Didn’t you hear? This world lacks magic. To increase the magic of the world, you must defeat monsters and conquer dungeons to fill the world with magic."

Her movements gradually accelerate.

So, the essential mission is dungeon conquest.

"Then, who are our enemies?"

"I can’t reveal that now; it would violate the rules."

Sweat begins to drip.

"So, after saving this world, what will happen to us?"

"What do you wish to happen?"

Her breathing speeds up with her movements.

"Will our wish be granted? Or will we be able to choose from several options?"

"I can’t answer that."

With a desperate effort to stay calm, she speaks in a broken voice, but her eyes remain cold and disdainful.

"You mentioned two different worlds. What about the other world?"

"The other world is similar. However, the people there are more aggressive. Because the difference became too great, I came to intervene in your dreams."

She answered my questions while seeming to endure something, with her eyes closed.

"Can I know where my acquaintances are? At least in which world they are?"

"That would also violate the rules."

Her eyes open again, and that cold, penetrating gaze returns.

"If there are rules, is there someone who judges? Are we competing against someone? Is there any evaluation criteria?"

"Is that a question? Or just a doubt?"

She responded to my calm question while dramatically arching her back.

"It’s a question."

I asked while enjoying the sensation, trying to maintain composure despite the intense cold gaze.

"I will only say that there is someone who judges. I am here to support you. I will help as much as I can without violating the rules."

After saying that, she collapsed onto me, sealing my lips with a kiss.

I couldn’t ask any more questions or hear any more answers.

My only regret is not hearing more of her sweet feminine voice.

What the hell? Has the intervention in dreams and the fairy’s blessing merged?

But the goddess who appeared was real.

The goddess’s words clarified some things but also raised new doubts.

I must suspect that there is a different real purpose.

Speaking of suspicions, there is Robin.

While changing my underwear dirty with sweat and other fluids, I think of Robin.

Wait a moment!

In that handshake, couldn’t he have stolen my ability? I was too careless.

Transmigrants can’t be evaluated? What was I thinking?

There is no need to evaluate. There is no need to know the level of the ability. You just need to steal level 1 abilities successively.

I really need to change this attitude, or I won’t have enough lives.

I refocus on washing the clothes.

After washing the clothes, I hung them on a chair to dry. Water magic is really useful. It’s probably the most useful magic for daily life.

The dirty water in the cup. What do I do with this?

I don’t like leaving it like this. Better to discard it.

I used space magic to transfer the dirty water outside.

Magic is really convenient.

"Whoa! What is this? Water? What the hell is this?"

A man’s voice shouting in confusion resonates. He doesn’t know what happened.

Did I mess up? What should I do? If I’m going to apologize, I must do it immediately.

No, better not. Going out now would only make things worse. I can’t apologize for throwing out that kind of water. Besides, it’s just an old man, so it’ll be fine.

I hear voices of commotion, but I pretend not to hear anything and go back to bed.

I won’t go out until the noise subsides, I decide as I settle into bed.

