Sukuwanakya Dame desu ka? Chapter 16: After the Tavern

 In the end, we just had dinner and tea and had to leave the restaurant.

In addition, the owner of this store is said to be a member of the Order of Chivalry who used to be a scout and became a unit commander. Because of that, many scouts and members of the Order of Chivalry come in and out of the store, and since it is known to both groups, it seems to be the safest place in this area of the city.

I have to thank the guild official who informed me first hand about this store.

However, the situation is not improving. There is still a strong possibility that we will be ambushed.

"Big brother, sorry, it's our fault."

Led by Rody, their group members continued to apologize.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Besides, it's not Rody and the others' fault."

After responding calmly, despite the girls that Rody and his group brought with them, we began to perform.

"Robin and I will be in front, while Rody and the others will bring up the rear. The girls will be in the center."


"Leave it to us, big brother."

"In the center, huh?"

"They will protect us."

"We trust you."

Everyone responds in their own way. It's a little annoying that no one responds with a simple "yes," but there's no need to worry about that.

I considered the option of going ahead with Robin to set things right, but if they ignore us, Rody and the others could be in danger, and the same could happen with the girls.

So we decided to all go together to a more vulnerable place where the enemy could attack us. In short, we headed to a place like a dating trail with no people.

Taking middle school age girls to such a place makes me feel extremely guilty. No, it's not that I'm up to something. Robin's words a moment ago make me feel twinges of conscience.

"Are you nervous?"

"Of course. I'm protecting children, you know?"

I responded with irritation to Robin's taunt.

"Oh, I can't imagine that someone like you, a brave wizard who joins duels uninvited, would be afraid."

"Please stop teasing. I regret what I did and what I said. Please don't say anything more about it. Please."

I begged, on the verge of tears, as I pretended to be shocked by Robin's words.

And then, I was angry at my reckless behavior and at Rody, who doesn't know how to keep secrets.

But what's worse, when we talked about it, Rody and the others looked at us with admiration, while the girls had uncomfortable expressions.

And, from the beginning to the end, they would send a burning look to Robin, who was the first to help them.  The way I see Robin now is different.

Honestly, it's not fun. It's not funny, but the saving grace is that Robin doesn't have girls on his "mind."

While there is a bit of a difference in ethics and morals, I feel like he could be a friend.

"There they are! There are eight people following us about a hundred yards away," my only friend Mariellw informed me of the result of her aerial reconnaissance.

"Eight people means they're all here? They're dumber than I thought."

"It's a good thing enemies are dumb. Let's decide the outcome on the river later."

Robin's mouth, which pointed to the battle site after accepting my words, relaxed.

He might be more combative than I thought. As I thought about that, I looked away from Robin and told Rody and the others that we would fight in the river.

Even though it's called a "river," it's pretty big, probably about a hundred square meters. It looks like a small riverbed.

We positioned ourselves there. Me and Robin in the vanguard, six people, including Rody, in the second row, and three randomly scattered girls in the rear. In addition, Marielle is positioned in the air and will inform me immediately if anything strange happens.

"Yes, it's perfect."

The problem is the enemy's strength and skill, which are unknown. Yes, it's not perfect at all. But I knew that from the beginning.

"According to what I identified in the tavern just now, the most troublesome would be level 2 fire magic and level 3 axe skill. If you receive fire magic, jump into the river."

He told me matter-of-factly and then gave instructions to everyone.

"In case the enemy uses dangerous magic, please flee to the river, okay?"

Everyone nodded at Robin's instructions.

This guy identified him in the tavern. And he chose this place knowing that there was level 2 fire magic? There are no loopholes in his plan, he's smart. I feel a little, just a little, inferior.

"Big brother, they've arrived. There are eight of them."

I nod at the words of Rody's companion, and advance a few steps forward.

"Do you need anything from us?"

I size them all up with a calm smile. I can feel the sweat on the palm of my hand.

There it is. It's located in the center back. Level 2 fire magic. First it has to be neutralized. I point the target to Marielle in the air with a hand signal.

"What's up, do you want to continue from where we left off before?"

He has a spear, but no spear skill. Does she have a weapon that doesn't match her skills and only possess it for its attack range? In any case, it's just garbage.

I know it's just junk, but my heart beats faster.

"Do you want to continue, why don't you grow up a little, do you want to see how painful it can be?"

I challenge him as I look for an opening, but he seems to be used to this and I don't see any opening.

While provoking him and waiting for an opportunity, they seem to be used to the situation and there is no chance of finding an opening.

Is it hard not to cause casualties? In that case, let's steal the level 2 fire magic.

As soon as I considered stealing it, I feel my heart pounding.

I stop and created an image in my mind.

"No, it's not like that. We can't let it go. As adults, we must educate them properly."

The swordsman with a level 2 mustache motioned to his companions and the men on the left and right began to slowly separate.

"Let us go this time?"

He bought some time as he channeled, which served as a shield. Just a little longer.

"If you leave your gold, equipment, and women, I'll let you go for the day."

They are completely disregarding us.

The men who separated to the left and right showed vulgar laughter as they looked at the girls behind them.

Are they planning to take the girls behind them hostage? Did they underestimate us or was it too much? An opportunity presented itself.

"What are they planning to do? I can't believe I'm hearing about education - aren't you the ones who need the education?"

Robin's sharp words flew out.

He remains calm but he's getting pretty hot. I can't see from my position, but judging by the direction of his voice, he must be glaring at the man who split off to the right.

It's time. Almost at the same time I gave the signal, the enemy, the men who split off to the left and right, moved.



As the men on the left and right approached, the girls shouted in unison.


The man with level 2 fire magic on the enemy side, let out a surprised voice when suddenly a large amount of water appeared from above.

Immediately after, he cast a fire spell to cool down the situation. The image was similar to flash freezing. The man who possessed level 2 fire magic became motionless, covered in ice and frost.

At the same time, the wind blade thrown by Robin slashed the level 3 right arm in axe arts from the shoulder.

With a side glance, I fired several air hammers at the man approaching the girls from the left side and disabled him.

Then, Robin's second wind blade cut the right leg of the man approaching from the right side, stopping him.

The enemies didn't seem to understand what was happening and were looking around confused.

Now, how long will it take them to realize that they have lost half of their strength, including their main strength?

I slowly approached the man with level 2 sword skills. Robin approached the one with level 3 axe skills. Apparently, the man was still trying to get up, now holding his axe with his still healthy left hand.

He didn't scream once. Although he is our enemy, he has a great spirit. This is very different from the man with level 2 fire magic who screamed when I threw water on his head.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to retreat? We want to avoid any unnecessary violence, you know?"

Before I could finish speaking, a muffled groan was heard from the right side. I looked in that direction and saw that the level 3 axe skill, which had only his left arm left, was gone.

Why, because both his arms were cut off and he could no longer use the axe? That doesn't seem right. did Robin take it? can he do that? is he like me? what kind of skill does he have?

"I'm sorry, we made a mistake. We won't have anything to do with you anymore."

The man with level 2 sword skills showed his intention to give up.

"How are you going to convince us that we will have nothing to do with you, can you make us understand?" said Robin. She was looking at him with anger on her face.

"Hey Robin, that's too hard to ask."

"Michinaga, we have nothing to fear about these guys, but what if Rody and the others were the target? It's possible they'd target the girls. For revenge."

Robin's words overlap with my halting voice.

I think it's a valid concern, there are possibilities. I can't deny it. In fact, they've been chasing us for revenge.

"That's true, but..."

I hesitate as I turn my gaze to the level 2 fencing man.

He's pale and stiff. Of course he is. He thought we were weaker than him, but when we challenged him we turned out to be stronger. Even after he gave up, he continued to be pereguido.

"Anyway, do you think they would forgive us if we had apologized?" 

Robin's tone becomes even more stern.

"I forgave them, I was willing to forgive them if they apologized, it's true!" 

He sounds desperate, but it rings incredibly false.

"What do you think would have happened to the girls? As long as these guys are okay, those girls will have to live in fear from now on."

"We'll leave town immediately. Promise, we'll never come back to this city."

He sounds desperate, but it rings false.

The man with the spear suddenly moves.


Rodi's partner B dodged the onslaught of the spear-wielding man with his shield, though he was surprised.

He dodged two or three times.

From my position, I could engage my partner B.

While hesitating the two legs of the spear man are slashed from the knee with Robin's wind blade, followed by a sudden cry of pain.

I turn around to the man with sword skills level 2. His glowing eyes stare at me. His eyes are not normal, they are eyes full of determination.

At that moment, the man tries to draw his sword.

Watch out! I jump back with my gauntlet instead of my shield. Will I make it in time?

The next moment, a fireball strike from above catches the man's right shoulder. The fireball impacts and spreads, relentlessly burning the right side of the man's torso and face.

The man writhes and screams as if roaring like a beast.

Leaving the man burning and screaming, I knock the other two unconscious with my air hammer.

As Rody's young men go to call the group of knights, I tie up the scouts that approached.

"You did well, thank you. You saved me."

"Ehehehehee, I was praised."

Marielle responds to my words of thanks with a satisfied face.

The three girls are still looking at Robin with passionate eyes. I have promised that if we finish delivering them, I and Robin will accompany them.

However, only one of the brown-haired girls thanks me with a smile. What a nice girl. I feel a little silly, but I get excited with just a smile. Yes, she'll be the one appearing in my dreams tonight, not Talia. 

"Michinaga, Rody and the others are back."

Robin walked away from the girls and came over here as she explained to me.

"Thanks. By the way, about that guy, did you notice that his level 3 axe skill level disappeared?"

I asked Robin careful not to show it on my face.

"No, I didn't notice," Robin replied as he turned to look at the man who had lost both arms.

"He must not have noticed," I said as I thought without taking my eyes off the man.

"It could be that he lost the ability by losing both arms and not being able to use an axe. Or maybe there's another reason," I muttered as I considered different possibilities.

"Yes, it seems we should gather more information about the skills," Robin said, showing no sign of having stolen the skill.

Is he really innocent? There may be another reason why the ability disappeared.

Anyway, Robin's position in my mind has changed significantly.
