

Driven by the curiosity that every man should naturally feel, Kasuga Rito held the bra in front of him as if it were a sword.

"Mmm, a competition bra."

Unintentionally, he groaned. The fabric used was the bare minimum required. It had a design more focused on artistry than practicality, with sharp angles that unpleasantly stimulated the male mind. The color was pure black.

"What the hell am I doing?"

Kasuga Rito put the bra back in its place and closed the dressing room. It seemed he had mistakenly entered the women's changing room.

Quickly, he would have to move to the men's changing room. What he wanted was the hotel staff uniform.

Currently, Kasuga Rito is illegally inside a famous hotel.

It's early June, a Tuesday. Today, a party will be held to welcome a dignitary from the demon world. He doesn't have an invitation. However, he has a reason to attend.

So, Kasuga Rito devised a plan...

At Rezon Academy, where Kasuga attends, it is the first school specializing in skill development, located in a twenty-five-story building in the center of Japan.

With the motto "Grow and Prosper Together," and after several years since the world began to establish ties with the demon world, the Japanese government, which had been cautious about establishing relations with the demon world, finally decided to do so.

As a result, Rezon Academy was born.

All students at this school, from nursery to university, have a skill value of over fifty according to the skill measurement.

Fifty is approximately three times the normal skill, but generally, the skill does not manifest unless it exceeds one hundred. Moreover, each person requires a specific medium.

In other words, only when both the skill value and the medium match, can the skill be activated.

There are about a thousand students at Rezon Academy. However, there are only a little over thirty with skills.

Yes, the gifted are an elite, the admiration of all. Truly shining stars.

All the gifted are enrolled in the Pentagram Skill Development Department.

Kasuga skill has a value of ninety-nine.

The skill measurement conducted three times a year, after the spring, summer, and winter vacations, always yields the same result of ninety-nine.

For some reason, since entering Raison Academy's high school, it has been ninety-nine all year.

No matter how hard he tries, he doesn't go beyond ninety-nine.

One by one, one by one, one by one.

Sometimes, he hears those voices in dreams, always ninety-nine.

Generally, the skill value increases with mental and physical training. Although there are variations among people, it always rises with effort.


Kasuga's father is an ordinary person, but his mother is gifted. A first-class Diamond class 1. One of the highest-level gifted, with a skill value exceeding a thousand. Both parents work at the Emergency Response Center, a government agency.

So, I must be gifted too!

Kasuga thinks like that.

The problem is how to increase the skill value. If he could increase the skill value by one more, he would have the right to enroll in the Pentagram. Then he could focus on finding a medium with the help of skills like exploration and divination.

So far, Kasuga has tried various things to increase his skill value.

He ran until his legs tangled. He ate until he vomited. He stood under a waterfall until his head ached. He shouted towards the sea until he lost his voice. He even gave up his favorite foods like chicken curry, banana, and french fries. He also tried fasting itself. He has tried many things.

However, the value of ninety-nine remains unchanged.

Still, Kasuga really wanted to be able to use skills.


After spending an entire year at Le Raison Academy high school without his skill value increasing from ninety-nine, and starting the second year with a bit of impatience, Kasuga heard certain information.

The daughter of the demon world duke, although only for a short period of three days, will study at Rezon Academy. The miss's name is Scuse Fontana. She is a great witch from the demon world. Anyone interested in the demon world will definitely know that name.

And the rumor that eating food from the demon world increases skill value is something any Rezon Academy student would have heard. However, it is rarely found in the market. Also, it is so expensive that only a few households can afford it.

So, Kasuga had an idea.

Befriending the duke's daughter would be great.

One more skill value. Perhaps, if he eats a bite of demon world food...

How could he befriend her? He has no idea, nor can he imagine it.

But he decided to do it. Befriend someone from the demon world, and get some food, even if it's just a little.

"Just a little more."




  1. What schedule for that series

    1. Every Friday, But I'll probably upload the first one in a while since I already have it translated

  2. Thank you for this, a lost gem indeed. Back when Harems were just for fun and not polygamy

    1. thank you very much.
      I will try to bring other novel of this type.


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