Danshou no Grimm vol 1 Chapter 2 part 5

  Chapter 2: The Knight of Scars part 5

The little girl was sitting alone among Kagari-san's scattered books on the floor.

Although not very large, the room he was guided to through a charming old hallway, which could be called a mansion even if it wasn't grand in scale, had no windows anywhere and was full of shelves, that is, a "library."

High-quality wooden shelves, with intense colors, not cheap like those in Aoi's house, filled every available space on the wall. And on a complicated rug, not commonly seen in ordinary homes, a girl who couldn't be more than ten years old sat on the floor, wearing a light dress like a bisque doll, hugging a large rabbit plush and silently looking at a book lying on the floor.

"Let me introduce her. She is Yumiko Natsuki."

Saying that, Godhunter introduced the girl.

However, the girl seemed not to hear Godhunter's voice at all. Moreover, as if she didn't realize the presence of Aoi and the others who entered the room.

A childlike face with long hair. A skirt that spread widely on the floor. The scene these things created could have been enough to be the subject of a photograph.


"As you can see, her mind is broken due to the 'Foam Disaster.'"


According to what Godhunter said, from the profile of the girl looking at the book, it could be seen that she lacked expressions and reactions.

The expression of looking at the book carefreely might seem like she was enjoying what she saw, or perhaps it could give the impression that she was feeling some other emotion, but in reality, none of that could be seen.

It was like a girl who could be mistaken for a life-sized doll, if not for her occasional movements of flipping through the pages of the book.

While explaining, Godhunter stroked the girl's hair as Aoi silently observed that scene.

"She has no parents or relatives she can connect with."

Faced with Aoi's problematic reaction, Godhunter crouched next to the girl and gently placed her hand on her small head.

"There are no people who can be called her family; all were devoured by the 'evil dream' along with their hearts."

"Three years ago, she was rescued from her house on the outskirts of this city. When we realized the 'Bubble Disaster' and went there, the house was full of people who had melted and fused, and she was in the children's room of the house, hugged by her parents who had fused without losing their original form."

"Her mother's hands, still retaining their original form, kept flipping through the pages of the book while continuing to recite in a voice that wasn't even a word in the middle of the nightmare situation. Since then, she hardly reacts to events in the outside world."


While Godhunter explained, she brushed the girl's hair with her hand. Aoi silently watched that scene.

"She hardly speaks for herself and spends time looking at books and stories only when she's not eating. In reality, she should be admitted to a hospital or a suitable facility, but because she has a 'Chapter of Rupture,' it's too dangerous for her to enter a normal facility."

Godhunter's voice was calm but suppressed emotion.

"Although it's a lamentable situation, this is the reality of the 'Foam Disaster.'"

She continued in silence, and at that point, Godhunter suddenly raised her head.

"...Ah, I'm sorry. I guess I should stop talking about this. It wasn't my intention, but I got carried away."

"No...," Aoi responded with an uneasy smile.

That was the only response Aoi could give.

The girl in question showed no reaction to the conversation talking about her and, in fact, seemed completely oblivious to Aoi and the others' presence. She simply hugged her rabbit plush and silently looked at the book on the floor. The inorganic eyes of Alice's rabbit, with a watch in hand, also looked down at the book with the same expressionless expression as the girl.

And when Godhunter stood up.

"Well, in summary, what I want to say is... if you're willing, I'd like you to occasionally pay attention to this girl too, taking the opportunity with Yukino. I would appreciate it very much."

"Pay attention to this girl...?" involuntarily slipped out of Aoi's mouth.

"Yes, she shuts herself off from the outside world, but not completely. Although compared to the beginning, she's recovering. When she's out, she eats alone and recognizes us several times a day."

"So, we're gradually increasing the number of acquaintances from the outside world that can be a stimulus for her. But due to the circumstances, not just anyone will do, so I was worried. I apologize for relying on you so much, but if possible, could you visit her from time to time after meeting Yukino? I would be very grateful."

"Well... yes, I guess so..."

"Thank you. You probably have doubts about what we're saying and, especially, about our activities."

Godhunter smiled complacently while looking at Aoi.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk about this. Somehow..."

"No, it's okay."

It was the only response Aoi could give.

