Danshou no Grimm vol 1 Chapter 2 part 4

  Chapter 2: The Knight of Scars part 3

Upon hearing that, Aoi was left speechless and exclaimed, "Eh?" while Yukino, who had been indifferently resting her cheek on her hand until now, abruptly lifted her face.

"What are you saying, Mr. GodHunter!?"

This was the first time Aoi heard this girl's agitated voice.

"You're not taking this seriously! That has nothing to do with it!"

She was angry, that was for sure, but the agitation she displayed was much stronger than her previous anger, and the "intensity" that her anger had somewhere disappeared.

Her cheeks, subtly turning red in various ways, suddenly gave humanity to this girl.

In the face of Yukino's angry voice, the GodHunter seemed puzzled, wearing an unconcerned expression.

"I'm not joking..."

"It's very untimely!"

"Everyone is worried about you, Yukino-kun. Although you're just a high school student, getting so involved in this 'activity' and giving up a normal life is not what we want as a group."

".................... It's none of your business."

Finally, Yukino, who managed to contain her anger and agitation, looked away and pressed her lips together.

"...There are people who can't live unless they dive into 'hunting' due to their traumas. I'm the same."

"Hmm, that's why, for the most part, we don't stop you or anything, and we can't... But we basically wish that victims of the 'Bubble Disaster' can lead a normal life. Especially you, Yukino-kun, you're still young. Although you could turn back, you're diving into this 'activity' and rejecting a normal life. You don't seem to have friends at school, and we're all worried..."

"That's why I'm saying it's untimely."

Yukino rejects. A stubborn expression.

"I'm doing this because I want to. How would you fight against 'nightmares' in a 'normal' way?"

"Well, I can't say anything to that..."

"I'll become a monster. To fight. I don't need 'normal.'"

She said it plainly. The God Hunter sighed softly.

And looking at the situation, Aoi spoke up.

"It's okay. Let's be friends."

At that moment, Yukino turned sharply towards Aoi and looked at him disapprovingly.

The God Hunter also looked at Aoi in surprise and then smiled.



Aoi nodded. Not because his personality didn't allow him to refuse what people said, but because he was saying it of his own will, Aoi was surprised at himself.

But in this moment, at this instant.

When Yukino got angry and agitated, and then rejected the words of the God Hunter, in that moment.

Aoi felt that he couldn't just leave Yukino like that.

"It's confusing."

Aoi smiled with some difficulty as he looked at Yukino with a serious gaze.

"Good luck."


In an instant, Yukino seemed to swallow something, then frowned and turned completely away.

Doing that, Satsuki approached Aoi and extended her right hand.

"I also, please!"

"Yes, sure."

After hesitating for a moment, he took the small hand and shook it, and Satsuki happily smiled, waving the clasped hand several times.

"I've noted Shirano-san's name. I won't forget it this time."


"Even if you forget me, I won't forget you."

"Yes... yes."

Aoi nodded with complicated feelings.


The God Hunter observed with narrowed eyes the commotion of Aoi and the others.

And when the interaction between Aoi and the others calmed down,

"Well, Shirano-kun. We're done for today, but, could you meet another person before you leave?"

He said that.

"Ah... well, okay."

"Yes, that's good. Not all of us are here regularly, but both Satsuki-kun and I, and another girl who lives here."

"Girl? Is she a child?"

"Yes, a girl. I would like you to meet her."

Saying that, the God Hunter handed the mop he had in his hand to Satsuki.

And then, after opening the door behind the counter, leading to the back that probably led to a living space typical of an old store, the God Hunter gestured for Aoi to follow.

