Danshou no Grimm vol 1 Chapter 2 part 2

 Chapter 2: The Knight of Scars part 2

In the deepest depths of our hearts, very, very deep.

So deep that I can no longer comprehend even the concept of 'self,' there, in the distant depth, resides a god.

This god rests in the depth of its bed, sleeping eternally.

This god, all this time, continues to dream.

One day, this god had a bad dream.

Since this god is omniscient, it saw at once all the fears present in this world.

Since this god is omnipotent, it cut off that bad dream and cast it out of its dream.

The cut-off bad dream turned into a large bubble that slowly rose from the depths of the drean.

The large bubble rose and rose, dividing into two, into four, into eight.

The bubbles multiplied and eventually turned into countless smaller bubbles.

And so, many bubbles emerged one after another from the deep distance.

Towards our hearts.

The bubbles of malicious dreams that God saw.

"Do you... understand? You can consider this as an explanation for what you saw," he said.

Yesterday, at the hospital where Aoi was taken by taxi.

"This 'poem' was written in Britain around the 1800s and is known as the 'Malicious Tale.' In Japanese, it's called 'Malevolent Tale,'" explained the bespectacled man who called himself Kagari Masataka after the examination at the hospital, in the dimly lit waiting room.

"This book, called 'Malicious Tale,' is an edition of an extremely long name, which translates to 'Record for the Knights Who Must Fight Against the Atrocious Fates Imposed on People, Written to Reveal the Secret of the Large Bubbles Coming from the Depths, or Malevolent History,'" he continued. "It is written by an author named John Delta, a British children's story writer born in the early 1800s. You don't have to believe in the content. In fact, I have some objections to this book at various points. John Delta, the author, developed a kind of madness, claiming he was simultaneously present in one hundred twenty-seven thousand and eighty-one parallel worlds when he wrote this book. There seemed to be detailed notes about these parallel worlds, but when his friends noticed his disappearance and entered his house, they found the notes and diary burned in the fireplace, and they couldn't read anything."

"Well, that's an irrelevant fact, but it has nothing to do with this. Anyway, whether you believe it or not, this book contains an important answer about the true nature of strange phenomena in this world."

"In other words, all the strange phenomena in this world, in general terms, are considered 'bubble disasters.' It is said that these malevolent bubbles, when emerging in human consciousness, quickly mix with people's fears, malice, and madness, and rapidly become too large to be contained in the small vessel of human consciousness, overflowing into reality. And once the nightmare spills over, it affects and alters the real world, turning the nightmare into reality, known as 'manifestation.'"

"The true identity of what you saw today is, in other words, that. When an overflowing nightmare affects the real world, it can change objects, living beings, the mind, and anything imaginable into a real nightmare story. The exact nature of this phenomenon depends on the size of the 'bubbles' and the person who at that moment becomes a 'incubator carrier,' that is, someone whose consciousness is invaded by a nightmare bubble of the god."

"We, who have been dragged in the past by such unusual phenomena caused by these nightmares, gather to take care of each other's mental wounds and help those who, like you, have been caught in new 'bubble disasters.' This 'bubble' phenomenon is extremely dangerous when it reaches massive proportions, and in such cases, most trapped people may encounter a terrible fate. Additionally, the consequences of such an experience often leave severe sequelae, and if someone who has survived carries fragments of 'bubbles' in their heart, we call them a 'possessor,' that is, someone who has survived this experience. This includes people like you and me. We, who have been dragged by such terrible phenomena in the past, work to rescue people from this type of phenomena and help them."

"In summary, at this moment, we are trying to save you from the experience you had today. Although we still don't know in what form it will affect you, you have already been dragged by the 'bubbles.' It may be a bit difficult to immediately believe what I'm telling you, but I want you to take note of what you saw today and think about it a little. You don't need to believe immediately, but be careful. In this city right now, there is a nightmare story that says: 'You might be horribly murdered if you go down the stairs while listening to the broadcast announcing six in the evening.'"

