Danshou no Grimm vol 1 Chapter 2 part 1

Chapter 2: The Knight of Scars part 1

This place was familiar to Aoi, near the station. 

On a small, old street tucked away from the main avenue in front of the station stood that building.

A corner where houses with tiled roofs lined up, as if left behind in urban development. Guided by Yukino, they arrived at this place that would become their destination. The building, surprisingly fitting for that picturesque corner, had a retro appearance.

"Kagari - Antiques, bone collection, Western antiques."

It was an old business with a stern-looking sign bearing these words.

The wooden shop, which seemed to have been renovated from an old photo studio, was a building with an atmosphere from the Showa period, like a tea shop.

Without looking at Aoi, Yukino simply pointed at the store and said,

"It's here."

"I-Is this... here?"

After the exchange at the school gate, this was the first conversation they had.

But, in any case, this was something he should have asked first. However, Aoi was afraid of the attention in front of him, which was more terrifying than the anxiety about the unusual future of where he would be taken and what would happen to him. This sense of fear was clearly prioritized in Aoi's mind.

In response to Aoi's clearly off-topic statement, Yukino seemed to realize without expressing any surprise and turned towards him with the same usual grim expression. And then said,

"This is our 'lodge.' Something like our operating base." 

While it was indeed an accurate explanation, Yukino responded to Aoi with an answer that deviated in another direction.


In this conversation that was deviating further from the norm, Aoi sincerely wanted to go back home.

However, Yukino's expression and the memories from yesterday clearly told Aoi that there was no option to go back at this moment.

Despite being near the station, the completely deserted street and the buildings that seemed to have been left behind by urban development.

Looking from the open entrance next to the sign, the entrance of the shop was clearly dark.

This entrance, where antique furniture that seemed to be merchandise was visible, seemed to Aoi like an entrance to a different world. However, Yukino, who was already standing in front of the entrance, looked back at Aoi, who was already near the entrance, unable to resist her gaze. Aoi sighed lightly and followed Yukino's back.

Yukino, who she caught up with, frowned and stared at him.

"... What's wrong?"


Aoi asked without thinking, but Yukino responded with just that and turned back to the original direction and entered the store.

Aoi followed suit after letting out a small sigh.

The first to greet Aoi was the voice of a girl.

"Ah, Yukino-san!"

In the shop filled with dusty objects, the girl with a large and colorful hairpin she met yesterday at the apartments noticed Yukino and smiled brightly at her.

This girl was the one called Satsuki. (Note: I made a mistake, in the previous chapter I put Satsuhime, but her name is Satsuki).

Although the colors and combination were different from yesterday, if you looked closely, it was the same one Aoi remembered from his memory.

Yesterday, he didn't notice amidst the chaos, but she was a cute girl when you looked at her closely.

The smile that expressed her emotions was evident even in this dusty store.

The girl, directing her gaze towards Aoi as well, greeted him with a smile.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Uh, nice to meet you."

"... Huh?"

Aoi responded without thinking, and the girl looked at him with a somewhat puzzled expression.

But it was only for a moment, and she immediately pointed inside the counter and encouraged Aoi to enter.

"Mr. Kagari has something to talk to you about, Yukino-san!"

She conveyed the message.

"I understand."

Yukino responded briefly with a grumpy tone but still headed inside the store.

"Over here."

"Ah... okay."

The girl smiled and kindly guided Aoi, following Yukino's back.

As he approached the counter, where antiques and a cash register that looked more like an antique were placed, the surrounding area was neatly organized, and a small space had been created.

In the space next to the counter, there was a large round table as if to be used in a tea room, along with about five matching chairs.

And then, a voice shouted from the entrance of the counter.


Although there was no response for a while from the back of the store, there was finally a sudden noise, and a disheveled young man with glasses and strands of white hair mixed in entered through the door and came out of the store.

"Hey, Satsuki. I got a little lost. I was dreaming while reading a book."

"Ah, you are...."

Aoi involuntarily raised his voice.

The man smiled in response.

The young man, whom he didn't forget, who was introduced to Aoi in the hospital waiting room yesterday and introduced himself as Masataka Kagari, the manager of the organization called the "Order of Knights."

