Cu-cu-Cute volume 1 Chapter 2 part 2

(Nt: While watching the raws, I realized that Cute's sister is called Scyse and not Scuse, so now she will be called Scyse, sorry for the delay. enjoy the chapter = D )


Two members of the hotel staff stand side by side in front of the automatic front door.

"Welcome back home."

Rito entered the hotel. He walked between the two employees, who had the same tone of voice and bowed at the same angle. The two women at the reception also bowed at an angle. It was as if they were being measured with a ruler.

Rito walked deliberately next to Cute. Maru was right behind him.

"Make yourself at home, I have rented this whole building. Until Shi-chan gets out of her head, I won't hold you properly responsible. Also, ...... I have not forgotten my promise of a meal."

Cute said in an emotionless voice as she left.

"Oh, thank you."

I'm worried about her brusque attitude. But the thought of being able to eat food from the demon world soon makes it hard to suppress my optimistic feelings.

Even if ...... rents the whole building? Even though it's one of the most prestigious hotels in the centre of the city? The dukes of magic are like ....... I've no idea what rich people have in mind.

Anyway, Rito smiled.

"Really, thank you."

In any case, I can't thank Cute enough.

"Because it's a promise."

Cute turned his eyes back to Rito. Just like the first time he saw her, he was smiling.

He also remembered her laughing smile on the beach. It's a bit lonely, because I know that she's just a little girl who laughs innocently.

I want Cute to smile.

Anyway, I should laugh first. If I do, Cute will laugh with me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."

Rito expressed his gratitude again. 

"Yes, I told you, I promised ........"

This time there was a slight twitch in Cute's cheeks. The expression is a bit sulky. But it's much better than a straight face.

The first step.

"Your meal is ready, please come this way."

Maru led Rito to a hotel room.

There, maru directed his gaze towards the entrance and said.

"Please have a seat and just wait for a moment."

Rito followed her gaze and turned around. Just then, he saw Cute's back coming out of the room. was he going to the bathroom?

Rito immediately turned his head back. Do as you are told and wait quietly.

Inside the room, there are two chairs arranged on a table three meters long. On the table are knives, forks and glasses for two. The food has not yet appeared.

"Everything has been prepared with ingredients brought from the Demonic world. I don't know if it will suit Kasuga Rito-san's palate, but...."

"No problem!"

Rito bowed his head vigorously to Maru.

It doesn't matter if it's good for my palate or not. It doesn't matter if it's too bad, too slimy or too hot. 

Rito approached the table to sit down first. But for some reason, he can't move forward. He couldn't feel the floor under his feet.


Although only a few centimetres, his body floats in the air.

The reason for this is that Shi-chan is flapping her wings eagerly.

"Hey, Shi-chan, what's wrong?"

Sighing somewhat sadly, Shi-chan heads towards the exit of the room. Of course, Rito can't resist.

She left the room, flew down the corridor and turned right at the far wall. There he saw Cute's back.

"O~i, Cute."


Hearing Rito's voice and Shi-chan's shout, Cute turns around.

In front of Cute, whose eyes widened with some surprise, Shi-chan finally stopped flapping her wings and set Rito on the ground. Apparently, he had come to look for her.

Cute seemed to notice it too.

"My God, you are not alone anymore".

She reached out and gently stroked Shi-chan.

Rito could also feel her fingertips touching Shi-chan, as if our tactile senses were assimilating. It was a strange feeling. It was as if his head was being stroked..

"Wait in the room right now, I'm on my way."

After a nod to Cute's words, Rito turned his back on him and headed back the way he had flown.

"......, Myao."

But soon Shi-chan spreads her wings. You can hear the sound of flapping wings from above.

Unable to do anything with his body in the air, Rito landed in front of Cute again.

"...... I can't help it."

"Well, get Shi-chan to the other side as soon as possible."

"But I'm sure she'll fly back."

"Never mind, take him away."

"Where are you going?"

Having said that, Rito finally realized. At the end of the hallway is a toilet mark. Oh no, it was ...

While exuding anger in her sky blue eyes, the cute cheeks are tinged with cherry color. As expected, I can't go with her where she's going.

The fact that they are of different sexes is the first thing that comes to mind.

Rito held shi-chan's wings. Immediately after, he was bitten on the hand.


"Shi-chan, you can't do that!"

Cute is angry with him. But there is no sign of remorse. Rito quickly moved on to the next plan. He grabbed hold of a large potted plant nearby..

"Okay, how about this?"

"Myao, myao myao!"

"It's now or never!"

"Ah, ah, yes, that's it: ......."

Cute runs into the women's restroom with cheeks flushed with embarrassment.


Shi-chan, who was shrieking, suddenly stopped flapping her wings.

Did he give up?  A few seconds later, he let out a scream that seemed to echo from his belly, "Groaaa grooaa!" Im a little scared.

"Shi-chan, don't be so impatient, calm down, Cute will be out ...... soon."

Suddenly, red and black flames shot out into the hallway with a roar. The houseplants in front disappeared instantly. Even though it is young, it is still a dragon. 

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Why are you getting exasperated, relax first!".

Rito's persuasion was answered with a roar. Shi-Chan seems to have completely lost his mind.

The flames lightly scorched the walls, carving black scorch marks. The air in the hallway grows hot and swirling.

Rito involuntarily shrugs his shoulders. He has no idea what to do.

Shi-chan spits flames for the third time. This time, however, whitish smoke was released at the same time. When she looked, she saw Maru standing next to a fire extinguisher.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. But it's the primordial dragon, it's Scyse-sama's pet, so please forgive him." (Nt: There are several ways to interpret it as either first dragon ancestor or primordial dragon, in my case I will use primordial dragon because I think it looks better).

Maru said, while spraying fire extinguisher on the walls and corridors. She was quite calm.

"It would have been a bit noisy if the fire sensors had been activated, but ...... there doesn't seem to be any problem."

Maru keeps spraying fire extinguishers to match Shi-chan's flames.

There's definitely a big problem, Rito said inwardly.

Finally, Cute came out of the bathroom.

Rito's eyebrows jumped to the limit.

Cute looked over Rito's head with a frown.

"Sister Scyse told you something like, 'You should protect Cute,' but could it be .......?"

"Miaaaaah!" Shi-chan's bright but brave cry, "I'll do my best!" Rito thought he heard him say that.

Rito thought as he tapped Shi-chan on the top of her head with one hand.

"Well, I got the urge to go into the bathroom. ...... What do I do?"

After some trial and error, I discovered that if I gave her the bones of a vaira beast that lives in the northwestern part of the Val continent, could distract him for a minute or so.

While Shi-chan was chewing the bone with all her might, Rito managed to rush to the bathroom. It was a great fortune, as he nearly ruptured his bladder.

Afterwards, Rito and Cute finally reached the dining table and began to eat the food that had been brought for them.

Before the dishes were served, he had imagined all sorts of grotesque things, such as XXXX's chopstick crucifixion stir-fry, XXXX's deep-fried curse, and ◇◇◇◇'s grilled rancor, but contrary to his expectations, the food looked and tasted wonderful.

The pale-skinned head chef kindly explained the dishes, but to be honest, Rito barely listened to what he had to say.

How much would it raise his skill level? This bite might have raised him above 100. I look forward to the skill value measurement in about three months, after the summer break. Maybe you skip the pearl class of a time....

Or maybe ....... Suddenly emerald class? No, no,Even the first diamond class can cease to be a dream.

I'm very excited. However, on the other hand, I was also worried about Cute.

The dessert was an amber-colored pudding. I ate it with a sense of satisfaction at its elegant sweetness. It seems that demons have the same taste buds as humans. Appearance-wise, the only differences between them are the eyes and skin color, so perhaps they share a common ancestor, such as Cro-Magnons or ...... ? (NT: Cro-Magnon were the first prehistoric modern humans to settle in Europe, continuously occupying the continent, estimated since forty thousand years ago, with uninterrupted presence until ten thousand years ago).

It was a little after seven in the evening when Cute wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Cute and I clasped our hands together and said, "Thank you for the meal."

"It's always a strange thank you."

It's still far from a smile, but for a moment, Cute loosens his expression.  If she happy to join hands, I can join hands until my palms wear out.

Laughing, Rito gets up from his seat and leaves the room with Cute. During lunch, Maru was against the wall the whole time, but still not saying a word.

"Thank you for your efforts today."

As Cute walks, she turns her eyes to Rito and then to Shi-chan.

"Shi-chan, ...... I'm sure I'll get it out of you, I know it will be hard until then, ......."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Kasuga Rito-san is going through, but we are gathering information, so please be patient for a while longer."

Maru quickly throws out a few words.

'No, no, my pleasure, thank you for the hospitality. ......"

"I will escort you to your room."

"Sorry for the inconvenience."

As he bowed his head in the hallway, Rito suddenly thought.

Tonight, I'm staying in a hotel. My parents said they had been busy with work lately, so they probably wouldn't be coming home. Besides, they're pretty laid back, so they don't mind if their son spends the night somewhere else for a couple of days without permission.

The question is: Where will I sleep tonight?

My eyes meet Cute's. His gaze drifts over the top of my head.

"Myao," Shi-chan, who squealed happily, began to shake her body rhythmically somehow, The vibrations are transmitted from Rito's head to her face and then to her neck.

Cute, who had been looking at the happy Shi-chan for a while, slowly turned his head towards Maru. There is a serious gleam in her sky blue eyes.

"Where will Rito sleep tonight?"

"In the same room as Miss.Cute."

It's ironic, but I quickly reply.

"...... same room?"


"Does that mean ...... until morning?"

"The reality is that the dragon's soul doesn't separate until it has left the top of Kasuga Ririto-san's head."

"So, ......, where is the shower?".

With a blindfold prepared by Maru, Rito bandaged his eyes and entered the same changing room as Cute.

Cute repeatedly remembered Rito blindfolded. That he couldn't look.

'Please be calm. If Kasuga Rito-san does anything to take off the blindfold, I'll take the necessary measures."

"You must not take it off at all. If you take it off, if you take it off, you will be ......'."

"Necessary measures?"

"In exchange for your insolence, I will remove both your eyes."

"But that doesn't change the fact that I saw her."

"Are you not satisfied with the two eyes? Then I'll give you such a scare that you won't remember a thing."

"You don't have to go that far. ......"

"It's all right. I'm seeing you."

