Cu-Cu-Cute! Volume 1 Chapter 1 part 1

Chapter 1 part 1

After hastily escaping from the women's dressing room of the hotel he had mistakenly entered, Kasuga, known as Rito, successfully managed to somehow borrow a hotel uniform. Although it was a bit small, he decided to endure it.

Confidently leaving his shirts and pants in a corner of the men's dressing room, when Rito decides to do something, he sees it through to the end. Often, this results in painful experiences, but...

Pretending to be one of the busy staff, he entered the venue where the Rezon Academy party was taking place. The security turned out to be more lax than he had imagined.

In the cocktail room, food and drinks were already in full swing. About seven round tables were occupied by students, including the Starlights. The place turned out to be more welcoming than expected.

Although the party was of national interest, all television cameras and journalists were excluded. Apparently, Scuse Fontana herself rejected a flashy party. It seems she doesn't like to draw attention.

Not even in magazines related to the demon world can one find photos of her. As a result, along with the nickname "Treasure of the Demon World," the name Scuse Fontana is freely circulating.

Therefore, Rito does not know her face. Most people at the party probably don't either.

Scuse Fontana had not yet made an appearance. It seems the main guest will arrive when the atmosphere heats up.

He doesn't expect to become friends with her immediately in this place. He might be unable to talk to her... But the study period of the "Treasure of the Demon World" is only three days, including today.

First, the first step.

Capture a memorable moment in Scuse Fontana's memory.

"Alright, I'll do it!"

Although Rito cheered himself on, he carefully surveyed the room, alert. Does anyone recognize his face? If they find out, all will be in vain.

Every time he crosses paths with someone, he shivers. He exhales slowly to calm himself, remaining still in a corner of the room not to attract attention.

At a nearby table, a male student with the uniform designated by Rezon Academy plays with the water in his glass, manipulating it in the air.

An Elementalist who can control water? Enviable. What will his skill level be? Is the glass in his hand his medium? No, maybe the watch on his left wrist.

There is also a student manipulating small fireballs. Other students are having fun, using their abilities to play.

Watching the Starlights and others, Rito clenches his fists.

"I'll do it too, without fail..."

Those thoughts are always in his heart.

Suddenly, he saw two people.

Two girls standing nearby, leaning on each other at a table at the back to the right.

Second-year students, just like Rito. They are Kurohime Ai, also known as "Medusa Eye," and Mimitsu Tomoe, also known as "Enigma."

"Wow, it's Medusa Eye and Enigma..."

Rito sighed unknowingly. He is already in a fervent fanatical state, watching an idol on stage.

Ai is a first-class student, nicknamed "Medusa Eye."

Long, straight black hair. A face that looks strong and determined. A chest that seems tight with the buttons of the uniform. Rumor has it that she is a rich young lady. The story of how she stopped the bleeding of a traffic accident victim she happened to witness and accompanied that person to the hospital, saving their life, is very famous within the school. Although they have never exchanged words directly, just that gives an idea of her personality.

God gives two things, but in her case, it seems they gave her three. There are sometimes people like that...

On the other hand, Momoetsu Tomoe, nicknamed "Enigma," is a skill school student. However, her rank is one category lower, First-Class Diamond.

The reason is that, although she expels an unimaginable value of three thousand two hundred as her maximum, she also has an incredibly low minimum of three hundred twenty. Her lowest value is as low as a Third-Class Pearl. Therefore, it seems they classified her as Emerald to balance it. Still, from Rito's perspective, she is someone who lives in the skies.

Her light brown, short hair is very thin. She seems lonely somewhere, and it looks like she might fall if she doesn't lean on Ai. The multiple earrings in her ears, the many necklaces around her neck, and the bracelets hanging from her wrist seem heavy.

Those platinum accessories are her medium.

Rito was impressed. To be able to see Ai and Tomoe up close. Both are undisputed celebrities in the school, seen as flowers on an unreachable hill by guys and as admired figures by girls. Simply with that, he has a reason for having sneaked into this place in a delinquent manner.

However, he immediately reminded himself, no, wait, don't get distracted, don't lose sight of your goal. You can't stand there gawking at Ai's chest and Tomoe's cuteness. What are you doing something so akin to a crime for?

Then, the microphone voice was heard.

"For all present, we deeply regret...".

The murmur disappeared, and all attendees turned their faces toward the stage.

"To all present, I sincerely apologize...

The murmur disappeared, and all attendees directed their faces toward the woman in her mid-twenties who was standing. She had unpigmented skin and clear eyes. Her short black hair and black suit suited her well.

She continued speaking.

"Scuse Fontana, due to health issues, unfortunately, won't be able to attend today's party..."

After leaving the overflowing party full of disappointment and discontent, Rito returned the borrowed employee uniform, quickly changed into his own uniform, and exited through the back door.

In any plan, the unexpected is always present. Sometimes, it just doesn't work.

He felt a certain disappointment and frustration. Despite everything, he had seen "Medusa Eye" and "Enigma," so well, let's suppose it's okay.

"Well, there's nothing to be done..."

Now, should he go back to school? As he walked towards the main street, something fell in front of him onto the dirty asphalt.

A pigeon?

For a moment, he thought so. The size was about right.

But no, it was different. Although it had wings, it wasn't a bird. Golden, hard scales covered its small body with short legs. Even the tip of its tail.

"Meow," it sounded like a cat as this creature, looking at Rito with round eyes, a bipedal winged lizard, approached.

"A dragon?"

It was the first time he had seen one in person.

"A dragon here? Why? But it's cute."

Rito crouched carefully to match his height with the little dragon, and clicking his tongue, something he could do with small animals, he tried.

If he lowers his hand, it might bite him. But he wants to touch it. Those sharp fangs... It looks so unbalanced with that big and heavy head compared to its body. What should he do?

While hesitating, surprisingly, the dragon approached from the other side. Its steps and round eyes showed no trace of hostility. Ah, how cute.

He reached out his hand and touched it. It didn't seem bothered. Instead, it pressed its head against him. It seemed very familiar with humans.

"Where do you come from?"

As he stroked the soft scales with his fingers, he asked. But, of course, there wouldn't be an answer.

Instead of a response, the dragon spread its wings and soared into the air. Given the span of its wings, it was quite impressive to fly.

"Are you going back to your owner? No?"

Rito raised his hand slightly.

But suddenly, the dragon changed its mind and, with a flap of its wings, descended onto Rito's head. Immediately, a cold and surprising sensation seeped into his head.

"Hey, stop."

Trying to raise both hands to push it away, it didn't move. For some reason, he felt a strange sensation that his skin was being stretched.


The dragon didn't let go of his head. It didn't seem to be clinging with claws. Instead, he felt a sensation similar to pulling on his own scalp.


Rito couldn't fit his fingers between his head and the dragon's body.


Did it move to someone else's head? And without permission!

"Hey, let me go... hey, that's enough..."

"What are you doing!?"

Rito's voice was drowned out by the reverse voice of a girl. When he turned his head, he saw a silver-haired girl running from the end of the narrow path.

The silver brilliance reaching down to her waist caught his attention first. Then, the skin so transparent it seemed like you could see the veins. And the pure green eyes.

She carried a small backpack and, for some reason, a Yankees baseball cap in her hand, along with huge sunglasses that could hide half her face. She also wore sneakers.

Her height is low, around 140, maybe? Her figure is extremely slim. However, despite her small size, her breasts are surprisingly large. A dangerous lack of balance. Her black dress accentuates the striking combination of her silver hair, green eyes, and white skin. Even her breasts are too noticeable. Her sandals too. And the backpack.

A foreigner? No, she is...

"Give me back Shii-chan."


She points upwards.

"Give her back!"

"She's not going, but..."

Rito tried to say something, but he was ignored by the silver-haired girl who, in the meantime, looked up at her dragon.

"Kyuu, why do you parasitize on humans, you idiot Shii-chan!"

P-parasitize? What is that...?

"There's no choice."

The girl skillfully coiled her silver hair and, while pushing it into the Yankees cap she was wearing, put on sunglasses. The combination of a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a black dress with a backpack and sneakers was simply unbalanced.

Even her large bust was disproportionate.

"I'm in a hurry, so come with me."

"Come with you... w-wait a moment."

"I'm Scuse Fontana, and you?"

Scuse Fontana!?

I was surprised, but looking at the letters on the sneakers she was wearing, it turned out to be the name of a hotel. Moreover, from the place where the party was recently held.

In front of me was the "Supreme Treasure of the Demon Kingdom"!

It seems that the excuse of being sick was a lie. Carrying the backpack and wearing the sneakers, there must be some reason for it. But now, those things don't matter.

Internally, I jumped for joy.

"I'm Kasuga Rito."

Restarting the plan.

Becoming friends with a demon and getting some food. At this point, we'll leave the dragon on the head for later.

Although the word "parasitize" worries me...

Following Scuse, who was walking quickly through the city, Rito stayed one step behind.

Due to the narrowness of her steps, although it seemed like she was moving busy, she wasn't going that fast. The rhythmic sound of sneakers hitting the tiled path guided Haruto.

The backpack on her back had a cat face design when viewed from behind. It somehow fit. The round eyes and charming smile of the cat were adorable.

While petting Shii-chan, who meowed on her head, Rito asked:

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere, away from the hotel."


"Because I hate parties."

Scuse snorted.

"Hmm," I nodded vaguely as I continued walking.

Although there were some irregularities, the plan to befriend a demon was going well. At this point, I just needed to find the right time to ask for food. When and how to do it?

Glancing at Scuse's green eyes that could be seen through the opening of her large sunglasses, Rito thought.

Since she was the daughter of the Duke of the Demon Kingdom and was also called the "Supreme Treasure of the Demon Kingdom," he imagined a more haughty image of "Miss." But, discovering that she was such a small and charming girl was a surprise.

Maybe I don't have to be so nervous.

Also, it's a great help that she speaks such fluent and clear Japanese. It is said that the inhabitants of the Demon Kingdom, with their diversity of races, have extremely developed linguistic skills... that's wonderful.

No one in the crowd realizes that Scuse is a demon. In Japan, people see demons only on television or in magazines, so it's understandable. If they find out, it could cause a small commotion.

Although she attracts looks for her cuteness, it doesn't cause amazement. On the contrary, Rito's head is the center of attention.

A child with a strange creature on his head has an incomparable attraction.

It's a bit embarrassing, but... just have to move forward!

"Hey, Rito, aren't you hungry?"

Suddenly, Scuse asked.

Shii-chan meowed too.

"Hungry... you?"

Rito looked ahead.

On the other side of a four-lane road, buildings rose. About 50 meters away, on the first floor of a building, the sign of 'Boss Burger' could be seen.

Scuse had no money, so instead of her, Rito bought the Big Boss Set with the slogan "Even the Godfather would be jealous," and they sat in the far corner. The waiter looked strangely at Shii-chan, but he ignored it.

It was 2:47. Since the rush hour had already passed, there were few customers.

Since he only had a thousand yen in his wallet, Rito only ordered the boss's chicken. But, it was delicious.
